
White Label Google Ads Case Study: Tripled Conversions for an Eye Care Client

Company’s Business:

Advirtis partnered with a local agency to provide white-label Google Ads services for a medical eye care client. Through a strategic approach, they achieved remarkable success by nearly tripling the client’s Google Ads conversions.

Initial Challenge:

The medical eye care client was experiencing a low conversion rate on their Google Ads. With only 11 conversions and a click-through rate (CTR) of 5%, there was significant room for improvement. Their cost per lead (CPL) was also relatively high at $11.


Bid Adjustments: Recognizing the trend towards mobile searches, Advirtis increased bids on mobile ads by 5%. This strategic move aimed to prioritize mobile users, who are often ready to convert quickly.

Geo-targeting: Analyzing the data revealed that Rainier, Washington was a non-converting location for the client. The decision was made to decrease the bid for this specific area, redirecting the budget towards more profitable locations.

Negative Keywords: By scrutinizing search terms and spotting irrelevant or low-converting queries, Advirtis added negative keywords to prevent the ads from showing up for these terms. This increased ad relevancy and prevented wasted clicks.


A landing page was included in the campaign to direct traffic and provide information to potential clients. The entire ad strategy included the following stages:

  • Google Ads Set-up + Monthly Management

  • Keyword research and planning

  • Budget analysis

  • Competitor ads review

  • Google Ads campaign set up

  • Google ad copy creation & testing

  • Conversion tracking (within Google)

  • Ongoing bid adjustments


Impressive CTR: Post-implementation of the strategies, the CTR soared from a mere 5% to an impressive 31%. This showed that the ads were more relevant and appealing to the target audience.

Reduced CPL: By focusing on high-converting strategies and eliminating wastage, the CPL saw a dramatic reduction from $11 to just $4.60. This meant the client was getting leads at less than half the price they were previously paying.

Tremendous Growth in Conversions: The ultimate testament to the campaign’s success was the increase in conversions. From 11 conversions, the numbers jumped to a whopping 31 conversions, almost tripling the initial figure.

Budget Scaling: While there was a significant increase in the budget to achieve these results, the ROI was clearly evident from the jump in conversions and reduced CPL.


The partnership between Advirtis and the local agency was a resounding success. Through detailed analysis and implementing precise strategies, they could drastically improve the Google Ads performance for the medical eye care client. The case highlights the importance of continual ad monitoring, making data-driven decisions, and the effectiveness of white-label services. The strategies used by Advirtis can serve as a blueprint for other businesses aiming to enhance their Google Ads performance.

*Disclaimer – to protect the client’s interests, the names of companies and people have been changed