
How To Sell PPC

How To Sell PPC

Qualifying Document

Questions to pull interest from Prospect/existing client

  • How do you market to your existing clients?

  • Are you looking to scale your business or create automation for inbound leads?

  • How do you feel about investing in your business with Return of Investment in mind?

  • Do you feel your clients find your services/products easily on Google?

  • Have you considered advertising your business on Google before? If not, why?

Convert prospects to free action plan- Nothing to lose but instead to gain a plan of action for when they are ready to scale their business and receive warm easily closed leads.

Please note: The action plan also is a great way for us to determine whether or not PPC Google Advertising makes the most sense for the client.

Questions for the prospect to build Free Action Plan:

  • What Keywords would the prospect like to rank on Google? (5 keywords/phrases ideally) For Ex: If the prospect’s persona buyer were to search for their product or service; what words would they type in on Google search.

  • What does the average customer/client spend on your product/service?

  • What is the average LCV (lifetime customer value) of an average customer/client?

Overcome Common Objections

  • You’re going to hear the same objections over and over and over again.
    OBJECTION: My website is already ranking in Google, why would I need Pay Per Click Services?

    RESPONSE: Type in your services to Google search and tell me how many companies you see before getting to your website. What do you see at the top of the page? A few years ago the ads didn’t even display at the top of the page, but rather on the side. Now they are at the top. A couple years ago there were only 3 spots for ads, now there are up to 5. A couple years ago there were no ads in the map area, now they do. Google is slowly decreasing the amount of traffic you get every single year and prioritizing ads because that’s what makes them money.

  • OBJECTION: I already had an agency run ads for me and I didn’t get good results.

    RESPONSE: This is a good point in time to ask probing questions to clarify what exactly they didn’t like about the previous campaign.

    Some businesses don’t know exactly why they were unhappy with a campaign. It is your job to figure out if it was actually due to bad campaign performance or if the expectations of the client are off.

  • OBJECTION: PPC is too expensive.

    RESPONSE: The question isn’t how much you’re spending… it’s how much you’re getting in return. The average business owner focuses on getting their cost per acquisition as low as possible. The rich business owner focuses on increasing lifetime value of a customer so that cost per acquisition becomes trivial. In fact, wealthy owners know that if they can afford to spend more to get a customer, they will dominate a market because the competition eventually will become unwilling and incapable of keeping up.

Note: If a prospect is unwilling to answer your questions or is frustrated at how much you are asking, first reflect on how you are asking questions. Does the tonality behind your questions demonstrate, oh by the way or, no big deal, just curious type of mentality or are they downward inflecting (authoritative). People can find authoritative tonalities to be too intrusive early on in a relationship so this could be screwing you up.

However, if you conclude it is not you who is causing frustration, this is a red flag that the prospect could be not ideal to work with.

Set the expectation that once the deal is solidified, you will be getting on a call with your PPC specialist, to discuss some specic details needed to get started. This is where we start our process.

Now that we have everything we need and information veried, we start the launch. Every account starts with a very strong base and that is then tailored specic to your client. We incorporate unique value propositions, call to action and offer into their ads and landing page. It also means adjusting settings and keywords to align with location targeting. We also set up tracking at this time. Once your landing page is complete, it will be sent to you for client approval and lead verication. Please note, we are unable to provide the landing page until we’ve received the CNAME URL that we request on the Onboarding Form.

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